Eva's Favorite Things - July 2022

Jul 01, 2022

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Even Better Than Eden by Nancy Guthrie

This book traces 9 different Biblical themes from Genesis to Revelation and each chapter is completely blowing my mind! I haven't finished yet, but I am about 2 chapters in and loving it! 


The Bible Project Podcast

The Bible Project Podcast is not new, but I sure am loving it these days! I had a conversation with my friend Jackie and came away inspired to listen to all the episodes. So I am back in one of their first series on the Image of God. It is blowing my mind right now! 

My Bible Time: 

A Psalm a Day

In June, I challenged myself to read a chapter of Proverbs each morning before my feet hit the floor. Now, I am halfway through a pregnancy, so I didn't always get it before a bathroom trip, but I did make sure that the first thing I did was read my Bible. (I am trying to break the habit of social media first thing in the morning. Anyone else have that problem?!) So in July, I am continuing that but with a Psalm a day instead. 

NLT Filament Bible

This Bible is my absolute favorite! It is small enough to carry, with the convenience of SO MANY study resources available on the app. 

New Testament in 6 Months Workbook

I created this plan to read through the New Testament in 6 months and then put it into a workbook so I could take some notes on what I was learning. I am loving the slower approach to reading through the Gospels right now!