Good Gifts
Jun 11, 2019It seems like the days are passing especially quickly this summer. Things I looked forward to for so long have already come and gone, and things that I am still looking towards are right around the corner! I don’t want to get caught up in the rush, and miss out on the little gifts God has placed in my day. Let’s take a second together today to thank God for those little gifts. Let’s ask Him to help us slow down long enough to see them.
You are the author of every good thing. The Bible says in James that every good gift comes from You. We are surrounded by such good gifts, if we would only take the time to see them. This doesn’t mean life will be perfect, but God it means that You are with us, giving us good gifts, even in the mess.
Help us to look for You this week. Help us to see You in the good gifts all around us. Help us to see You in that first sip of coffee in the morning, and the sunshine of summer. Help us to notice little joys that make us smile and think of You.
As our Father, you delight in us, and we want to delight in You too! Tug on our hearts. Draw us to you. Help us to notice when You do.