How To Get It All Done (Hint: Don't)
May 10, 2019I am in a stage of wondering how everyone else gets it all done. Have you ever been there? Seen the pictures with the perfectly staged meal, the clean kitchen and the happy husband? Being totally honest, I think we all feel that other people somehow have it all together and we are the only ones who didn’t get the memo about how to do it all.
I follow Erin Moon on Instagram, and she one time said that life is like spinning plates. Some of them are paper, and some of them are china. At some point you are going to drop a plate, so just make sure the one you drop is paper. So maybe all of those pictures we see from other people are simply the plates they have chosen to keep spinning. We don’t always see the plates that fell.
Right now, my main china plate that I am choosing to keep spinning is having fun with my husband, Rhett. I will drop all of the plates to go to a Braves game or just on a drive to get a slushie with him. That means my house is not even close to being clean, and don’t ask me how long the dishes have been in the sink.
Last night I came home from work and sat on the couch with Rhett. I had a blog post to write, but I completely forgot about it and ended up falling asleep watching a movie with Rhett. My china plate kept spinning, but unfortunately the plate of my 100 days of blogging in a row fell. Looking at it now, I think that was just a paper plate. Maybe a nicer paper plate like those you want for messy BBQ and baked beans. But still paper.
Maybe it is time for you to reflect on the plates you have spinning in the air. Which ones are paper? Which ones are china? Is there a plate you aren’t spinning that you need to pick up? Which ones could you set down for a season?
Take out a pen and paper. Make a list of your plates and sort them. It helps you feel better about the dishes in your sink, I promise.