Journal Prompt: The Messy Middle

journal prompt Apr 20, 2019

Today is the day between Good Friday, and Easter. It’s the messy middle. Jesus is dead. Sin has appeared to conquer. But we know tomorrow will sing a different song. Maybe in life, you are in a messy middle. Maybe you can’t quite sing the song of hope while in the darkness.

I hope Psalm 34:18 can sing a little hope for you.

The Lord is near the brokenhearted;

He saves those crushed in spirit.

Today, try to carve out a little time with your journal and coffee. Write about what this verse means to you.

Maybe inside this messy middle, you want to feel God near to your broken heart.

Maybe you are just on the other side of that mess, and looking back at how God was there all along.

Maybe you are still searching, wondering about where God is in all of this.

Write in your journal like you are writing to God. Nothing is off limits. I promise He is big enough to handle whatever is on your heart.