Journaling to Remember

Apr 23, 2019

If there is one thing that I am thankful to have done throughout the years, it is journal my prayers. I have a pretty awful memory, but going back through and being able to read what I prayed for and asked God about at different times in my life has been an invaluable tool for tracing God’s hand throughout my story. As I am reading through the Old Testament this year, I have been circling every time God told the Israelites to remember, and I have lost track of how many times He has commanded it up until this point. They have put all kinds of practices in place simply to help them remember who God is and what He has done for them.

Just like the Israelites, I am prone to forget. Using a journal has helped me to remember.

Being able to remember what God has done for me in the past has been crucial to my faith in God in the present. It has helped me to see no matter where I was in my life, God has never failed me. And since He is a God that does not change, He never will fail me.

But this isn’t just for me. I believe a journal is for you too. Even if you are not a writer. Even if you only write down a sentence a day. Keeping a record of what God has done for you is for everyone. If you don’t keep a journal, I challenge you to keep a journal for 30 days. See for yourself how God shows His hand throughout your life. He might surprise you.