Praying Scripture Through Lent - The Borrowed Prayers Podcast

Feb 24, 2022

Is it just me, or does lent just sneak up on us? That has happened to me the past several years, but as we're approaching this year, I want to just be that gentle reminder in your ear, that lent starts next week. 

Now, I actually published a resource this year called “Borrowed Prayers”, it is a book, a Kindle book, and it's also a podcast, so next week, starting on Wednesday, there will be a daily podcast for you to listen to through Lent. 

The goal of this is not to add an extra box to check each day, but instead, the goal is to help guide you in praying through Scripture. 

I find so often that in my own prayer life, I run out of words to pray, so we can pray through scripture, or borrow prayers from God's Word itself. 

The borrowed prayers podcast is separate from the Bible study made simple podcast, so you may want to pop on over there, find it on whatever app you use to listen to podcasts, and go ahead and subscribe, but I wanted to go ahead and publish the first episode of the borrowed prayers podcast on this podcast as well, so that you can get a feel for what it's going to be like as we go day by day through lent. 

My name is Eva Kubasiak, and this is Bible study Made Simple. 

Our goal, as we're studying the Bible, is to truly connect with God, and one of my absolute favorite ways to do that is through praying scripture. 

So here's the first episode, and I can't wait to pray through lent with you. 


Do you ever run out of words to pray? This happens to me often, it's like my heart is aching towards God, but the words, they just won't come. That's when I lean into Scripture. 

When we pray through Scripture, we are praying the words that God has given to us back to him, it's like borrowed prayers. 

For me, praying through Scripture unfolds like this. 

First, I pick a passage of scripture. 

Sometimes this will be where my Bible reading plan falls that day. Sometimes, it will simply be a psalm. Other times, it might be a passage that is familiar that I want to lean into that day. 

Next, you're going to read one line of the passage, and pause. 

Sometimes I have something specific on my mind to pray through, but I wait to see what the Holy Spirit brings to mind. It could be directly related to the passage, sometimes my thoughts just feel a little more distracted. However, the more I've leaned into praying through Scripture, the fewer distractions pop into my brain, and the more focused my prayers get.

And then, finally, you want to pray over what is brought to mind. 

When something is brought to your mind, pray through it, feel free to use the words from the verse you just read directly, or put those same thoughts and phrases into your own words. When you don't have anything else to say about that topic, read the next line and repeat. 

What I love about this process is that it always gives me new words and requests to bring before God, it also helps me to focus and direct my prayers so that I can minimize distractions. Maybe you've been in a place where you don't know what words to pray, maybe you are there now, it can be really frustrating to not know how to pour out your emotions to God. And it can even make you feel like your relationship with God isn't genuine, or maybe even like you are failing. 

I've been there, it's hard, it's uncomfortable, and it can be so lonely. 

Over the next 40 days, we will travel through the Bible together and pray through different verses, I have provided passages for you to pray through and given you a sample prayer to get you started. 

Your prayers don't have to look exactly like my prayers, in fact, I would say they probably won't. That's okay. Our goal is to get to know God better and to get more comfortable with praying His Word.

As a bonus, this podcast is also a book you can find the companion guide on Amazon, or tap right here

The book and the podcast are the same content, but I want you to have it in your preferred format… Grab the Kindle version, a paperback book, or a full PDF of what we're going to be talking about, and tune in each day to listen. 

I want to make this as accessible for you as possible, it's my prayer that as we go through these next few weeks together, we will grow in our relationship with God individually, but also grow as the church, and the bride of Christ, this brings me to my next suggestion, grab a friend to pray with, you don't have to pray out loud or meet together regularly, but just knowing that you are praying together, and having some accountability is powerful. Plus, you get to share how God is working in your life and celebrate together, so tell a friend about it. I promise we are going to have some fun. 

Each of the 40 days is leading us through a day of lint, and spoiler alert, we will finish with the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. 

If you happen to find this podcast and it's not lent, or if you happen to get off track during the Lenten season. No worries, because of Christ's crucifixion and resurrection, we get to have a personal relationship with God, and we are not bound by dates in a book or on a calendar. 

We don't have to work our way into his good graces, and we can experience true and lasting joy as a result. 

So don't get caught up in the dates, don't get caught up in the checklist, and lastly, don't get caught up in the words. 

Tell God what is on your heart, there are no right or wrong words, only you, pouring your heart out to God. 

Use these daily prompts to draw you closer to the heart of the Father through His Word. 

Take it at your own pace, and connect with God in prayer. 

I know that this next 40 days is going to be transformational in each of our lives, make sure you are subscribed to the podcast, so you don't miss any episodes, and go ahead and check out the book on Amazon or on my website. You may want to grab a copy to have on your desk or your nightstand or even just to reference back through later. 

Alright, I can't wait. 

We will see you on March 2 To start our very first episode of the borrowed prayers podcast.