What do you believe about God?

Feb 11, 2019

I am currently reading through the Bible chronologically. (If you have spent any amount of time with me since the middle of December, you probably already know this.) But as I am reading, I am challenging what I have thought about God, and what I believe to be true.

A couple weeks ago, I took the opportunity to write out what I believe about God. It was a good exercise for me, and I hope to do it multiple times throughout the year, and see how my unchanging God reveals Himself to me in changing ways.

So what do I believe about God?

God is the ultimate Creator, creating everything from nothing. Because of this ability to create, He can take my brokenness and make something beautiful out of it. He is sovereign and holy, but instead of being a harsh ruler and strict king, He is instead infinitely kind. In His kindness, He has sent us Jesus to take our place and die for us that we may live forever with Him and glorify His name always. God is the Holiest of holies, the Beginning and the End, yet He reaches into my brokenness and makes me whole.

Your turn. What do you believe about God?